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A Home For Your Collection

Crosville Leyland TS8 bus KA169 (EFM938)

Enthusiasts spend many hours and a large sum of money recording the transport scene through photography. This great cost not only consists of film, but also transport, accommodation and tickets—if we all sat down and worked out how much we had invested over the years we would have quite a shock!

Inevitably we cannot keep hold of our collections forever, and it is a sad fact that priceless collections of historical material have been lost over the years as people pass away and their images are disposed of in one way or another.

OTA exists to ensure that this does not happen, providing a safe and secure home for collections in perpetuity. The board as transport enthusiasts and historians themselves recognise the investment and lifetime commitment that has gone into creating collections and in fact, some members of the board have already given or have willed their own collections to OTA for safekeeping. We are committed to making sure that the collections in our care are both safe and accessible, to be enjoyed by a wider audience and their original creators recognised and acknowledged.

If you have a collection which you believe would be right for OTA, please consider contacting us to discuss what we can do for you, or if you have a friend or relative with such a collection, consider discussing the collection’s future with them. You can learn more about the current board of trustees to whom you would be entrusting your collection here.